We aim to achieve perfect quality for every single shipment: On-time, at the right place and in perfect condition.
To serve our customers better each day, we continuously improve and optimize our services. We measure our achievements and set new goals. We monitor all of our activities and evaluate feedback from clients at regular internal and external audits. We apply the LEAN philosophy and also work in accordance with several standards:
- ISO 9001 – the standard for quality management and quality assurance
- ISO 14001 – the standard for environmental management
- OHSAS 18001 – the standard for company health and safety management
nox NightTimeExpress Belgium NV is a reliable business partner offering excellent service with a long term view. Consideration for the environment and sustainable business are part of our culture and drive our thinking and operational management.
At nox NightTimeExpress Belgium NV, we have a focus on improving our operations and processes from cost, quality and environmental impact perspectives. These efforts are a part of our integrated management system and other activities:
- Environmental Policy Statement – nox NightTimeExpress Belgium NV is working on a program to record the ongoing improvement of its environmental performance.
- Green logistics – nox NightTimeExpress Belgium NV participates in various sustainable logistical initiatives, such as City Logistics and the Drive Me Challenge.